Social Media Topics During Coronavirus

With the recent outbreak of the coronavirus in the US, we are all being sent home and encouraged to stay away from public places. #Yikes

What’s the first thing you do when you’re bored or trying to pass time getting from point A to point B? Most people grab their phones!

While we can’t connect in person, the opportunity to connect online is bigger than ever before. (Did we say Silver Lining!?)

Social media traffic is up right now, and it’s a great time to really speak with your audience about your business. Today we’re sharing many ideas on things you can talk about during this time:

  1. Share how your business is addressing coronavirus: closures, cancellations, postponing, or simply extra steps to remain a safe place of business.
  2. Host an Instagram or Facebook Live to educate your audience on what you know
  3. Create a promotion that lasts during the next two weeks and make it easy to buy online or over the phone
  4. Host a giveaway to encourage new followers
  5. Spread positive news or words of encouragement
  6. Share links to legitimate resources that help eliminate panic – ie governmental websites,, etc..
  7. Talk about your biggest wins in 2020 so far and how you plan to conquer the rest of the year
  8. Tell a personal story of your “why” in your business

What kind of social media posts are you creating during this time?

Let’s Connect

If you’re interested in hiring experts to handle your social media for you, connect with us and learn how to get started today!

Thanks for tuning in, to subscribe to our blog click here. Follow us on Instagram and tune in every Monday at 12 PM CST to catch our #SocialMediaMonday tips & tricks.

To watch today’s Instagram Live, check out the video below:

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