5 Ways To Grow Your Instagram Following In 2020

With over 1 billion active users on Instagram, knowing how to “crack the code” and increase your followers can be tricky. The biggest “theme” for 2020 Instagram growth is authenticity. Followers want to really get to know who you are and what your why is. Earn their trust and engagement by applying the five tips below to your social media strategy:

# 1: Micro-influencer Partnerships

Micro-influencers are brands that have between 1,000-25,000 followers. One of the best ways to grow your following in 2020 is to collaborate with local micro-influencers who share the same target audience as you. According to Later.com, influencer partnerships are the best performing platform for brands. And it just so happens that micro-influencers have the highest engagement rate at an average of 7%.

# 2: Longer Captions

Gone are the days of one-word captions. Followers want to feel your passion, and you can accomplish this by being more detailed in your Instagram post caption. Build a stronger relationship with your audience by giving them what they want: a deeper, more meaningful connection.

#3: Video + IGTV

It’s no secret that video is a great way to increase the visibility and engagement of your profile, and Instagram wants more video marketshare. IGTV is how Instagram can compete with YouTube and TikTok, so it’s rumored that they absolutely favor accounts who utilize IGTV. But what content should you share?

Think about what your audience wants to learn from you? What do they wish to see more of? The best performing clips are low budget – so don’t overthink it. Sit by a window or make sure you have good lighting, and speak from the heart. Edits can easily be done on the affordable InShot video editing app. Instagram also makes it easy to access IGTV by including these posts in your newsfeed along with an automated IGTV highlight icon.

#4: Share More Selfies

Yes, seriously. Faces get 38% more likes on Instagram, so work it to your advantage! Lost on where to start? Share a selfie of you on the job and share 5 things most people don’t know you do on a daily basis. Or share 5 things people might not know about you. Feeling shy? Get support from staff or customers/patients who are willing to share on your behalf.

#5: Share Memes

Meme accounts on Instagram have millions of followers, and not by accident. People come to Instagram to temporarily escape and be entertained. There are two ways to incorporate memes into your content strategy: share from another profile to your stories, or create your own meme.

When you share a meme to your story, you can increase the views because people are drawn to memes. Especially funny/relevant ones. Create your own and you may end up seeing it shared in other people’s feeds and stories, which will result in more visibility of your profile.

Want more? Read the full article from Later.com where you can find 12 tips to growing your Instagram following in 2020.

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