How to Repurpose Your Content and Do More with Less


Repurposing content you’ve shared in the past is a highly beneficial social media strategy if you’re a busy injector, surgeon, provider, or practice owner.

It allows you to maximize the impact of your content while minimizing the time and effort required. By repurposing existing content such as live treatment videos, patient testimonials, educational posts, etc. you can reach a broader audience across different platforms. This strategy not only saves time – but also helps maintain a consistent online presence, establishes credibility in your field, and ultimately attracts and engages more patients without overwhelming your already hectic schedule.


What kind of content can you repurpose? The limit does not exist!

  • Live Treatment Videos — Transform full-length treatment videos into short, teaser clips for social media. These are great for Reels and TikTok videos.
  • Patient Testimonials — Extract key quotes and visuals from testimonials for shareable graphics.
  • Transform website blog posts into educational content on social — Take a detailed blog post on the benefits of a specific procedure/treatment/service and create a series of social media posts. Each post can highlight one key benefit with an engaging image or graphic. 
  • Compile FAQs into educational videos — Create a video series addressing common patient questions. Each video can cover a different topic, making it easy for viewers to find the information they need.
  • Repost evergreen content — Analyze what posts performed well in the past and simply reshare the post. Doing this is a great way to reach new audiences and push that piece of content even further.
  • Utilize Instagram stories for new content ideas
    • Use the “Poll” and “Questions” features in Instagram Stories to ask your audience for input on content ideas. For example, ask them which topics they’d like to see covered in your next post or video.
    • Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your daily life or work processes. This can inspire content ideas based on what your audience finds interesting or relatable.
    • Organize your best-performing Stories into highlights on your profile. This keeps valuable content accessible and can provide inspiration for future posts.
    • Stay up-to-date with trending topics and hashtags on Instagram. If a relevant trend aligns with your niche, create content that incorporates it.


Embracing the practice of content repurposing is a savvy move for any busy injector, surgeon, or practice owner.

By optimizing your existing content across various platforms, you can amplify its influence while conserving precious time and resources. This strategy not only streamlines your online presence but also solidifies your credibility within your field. Content repurposing is your key to attracting and engaging a broader patient base without overburdening your already demanding schedule.


Refer back to this before your next content planning session! 

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