Top 3 mistakes service-based business owners make on their social media

What are the top 3 mistakes service-based business owners make when it comes to their social media? 

  1. Trying to do it yourself. You wear a lot of hats, but social media doesn’t have to be one of them. If you’ve tried running your page but didn’t see the growth or return you wanted, it’s likely because it was the first thing to get pushed aside when other things pop up.
  2. Delegating to uninterested or inexperienced team members. Your social media presence is an extension of your brand. It’s the first impression for new clients, and a space where you’re given the opportunity to cultivate a community that will lead to more revenue. It’s important to consider delegating this task to a seasoned social media professional who  has the expertise to maximize your presence.
  3. Hiring a marketing company that doesn’t specialize in social media. Not all marketing companies are equal. Social media is constantly evolving which is why hiring a team that stays up-to-date with trends, algorithm changes & feature updates is crucial. 

We have the time, experience & passion to effectively manage your business’s social media campaigns. It’s all we do, and we like to think we’re pretty dang good at it. 

Ready to grow your business in 2022? Schedule a free 30-minute discovery call today to learn how we can help!

Follow us on our Instagram account: @socialpracticeus.

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